Guest Screening Protocols
Allowing strangers into your property is no small issue. No one benefits from bad guests! Realizing this, Rental Advisor has used it years of experience to implement the following protocols in order to help owners/managers ensure the security and safety of your property.
Agents acquire and disclose in writing the names and ages of all guests registered to the reservation prior to finalizing any reservations.
Agents acquire and disclose the reason for the guests stay at the property (IE “family vacation” “work trip” etc.) prior to finalizing any reservations.
Agents acquire and disclose the state of residence of the guests.
No reservations are finalized until you give final approval after viewing all
disclosures about the guests.
You are welcomed to speak with the agent working with the guests or even the
guests themselves if requested.
Owners can create any additional screening criteria they wish (IE “All groups must
include someone over 30 years old”). A manager screens each agent’s reservation and compares the reservation against any additional screening criteria provided by the owner/manager prior to finalizing any reservations.
Security deposits are held as per the owner’s instructions and are not returned until 7 days after checkout.
Guest credit card information is held and by contract RA can charge fines for breaches of rental agreement terms.
Rental Advisor has an established track record of helping owners get QUALITY GUESTS who treat their properties with respect. Feel free to let us know if you wish to speak with one of our current owners about our screening process.